Shipping Cost not being Calculated


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Order Splitter for WooCommerce offers to split products with several splitting methods. It also allow user to decide about shipping for the splitted orders. There are five options to manage shipping cost/charges.

Shipping options are

  • No Shipping > Shipping cost will not be included in child orders if this this option is selected.
  • Equal Shipping > Shipping cost will be divided equally among child orders.
  • Shipping Class Based > Shipping cost will be added as per selected shipping class in individual product.
  • Clone Shipping > Shipping cost will be cloned from parent order.
  • Order Total Based > Shipping cost will be added as per defined criteria according to the order total.
No Shipping, Equal, Class Based & Clone Shipping

Define criteria according to the order total

There is also a compatibility with a well known shipping system named Colissimo along with many other compatibilities. Recently we received a query that Order Splitter is not calculating the shipping cost. After the discussion we realized that this is not a bug but it was actually a compatibility request with USPS Shipping Method. USPS Shipping Method is a WooCommerce extension to handle shipping rates from USPS API for domestic and international parcels. Hopefully this compatibility will be added soon.

ACF Field Values – How it works?


ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) allow you to add data through custom fields to the items. Order Splitter can split items on base of these custom field values. Create a field group and define values in it. Assign these values to different items.

Field Group in ACF

For example, we created group in ACF named “Products Group” with these values Dell, Samsung, HP &  Asus. Then we assign these values to different items like “Asus” to “Alpha Pro”, “Dell” to “Item A & Item B” and “HP” to “Album Bundle”.

Values assigned to items

Order Splitter will group items under field values. So, we can expect three parcels as shown in the screenshot. “Item A & Item B” will be grouped in one parcel and “Alpha Pro” & “Album Bundle” will be in different parcels.

Expected Parcels on Checkout Page / Overview

Note: If you cannot see field groups on settings page turn it on from screen options.

Turn on options for ACF Fields

Watch tutorial

No need to bump, forum threads don’t work like that

No Need to Bump

Support Thread

Review Page

Slack Moderator

Conversation on Review Page

Naresh11381 says:

I installed this plugin and found the language, settings and overall layout/ui confusing. This might be more due to a language barrier and design/ui understanding. I would never give a one-star based on this as you can still find your way around, it could really benefit from some simple language/UI tweaks. I acknowledge it does have a lot of settings which is a challenge.

The one star is due to two reasons, it costs $275 to purchase a version of the plugin that allows backorder splitting, which in some ways I understand as it’s a lifetime unlimited license. Where things go sideways is when I ask if there is a way to test the plugin somehow to see if it will work with my fairly complex site I’m directed to their policy page that starts with “Need a refund? No problem!” And finishes with you can only get a refund if you cannot download the plugin. Which is strange, upon discussing this Freddie jumped on and said don’t purchase it as we don’t have time for pre-purchase complainers.

I don’t trust developers that can’t stand behind their products or who get narky if someone is simply trying to get some reassurance about its compatibility with their particular setup. It’s a shame.

Plugin Author says:

For everybody who will visit this review post, kindly do not forget to read refund policy completely. @naresh11381 neglected a few important things here.

  1. Refund will be applied to only Plugins, Themes and Scripts which are delivered as pre-built.
  2. Custom development work or hourly jobs will not be considered as a refund item.
  3. If you didn’t get the features in plugin/widgets/themes you purchased from this website as were described on product page(s), only then you are eligible to get an order refund.

Point #3 is relevant and easy to understand. Following support thread is related to this one star review.

Naresh11381 says:

So if I purchase the plugin and I have compatibility issues with my clients site would you provide a refund?

Linking to the thread just shows that you were basically saying no to anything I asked and offering a screen share. It also shows Freddie decided to gaslight me instead of helping find a solution to my concerns.

If you had confidence in your product you would not be carrying on like this about prepurchase questions. Premium plugins are useless without updates so I am not sure why you guys have such unusual policies.

Plugin Author says:

We appreciate your concerns and keep my words, if something would be advertised as a premium feature in the plugin and you would not get it after purchase, you will get a refund. But how someone can simply associate it with his expectations? “I was expecting this feature and I did not find it so issue a refund please!”. Makes no sense, kindly schedule an online session so we can make sure if it is suitable for your scenario or not. Please do not feel offended, you have already used an inappropriate word “exploitive” without considering our efforts. That’s why Freddie suggested you to avoid the purchase.

@naresh11381 you are neglecting that how willingly we are available for support before and after sale. These are not unusual policies, digital products are simple to get and apply for a refund immediately. A number of developers did this trick already. They install in hurry, neither bother to watch video tutorials nor share the problem with us and simply ask their client to apply for a refund because they did not get it work.

When we are available for support, adding new features and working on compatibility then why should we offer refund without investigation?

Following policy is not a good gesture for you?

If you didn’t get the features in plugin/widgets/themes you purchased from this website as were described on product page(s), only then you are eligible to get an order refund.

Naresh11381 says:

Ok, so let me put it like this.
If I was to buy the plugin and I couldn’t get it to work with my current setup/plugins due to incompatibility issues and I contacted support and you were unable to resolve the issue, would that mean I could get a refund?

If so, I would happily delete this review and the other thread and buy the plugin as all I am looking for is some reassurance that after spending the money I wasn’t stuck if it had an issue with our setup/plugins.

Ok, so let me put it like this.
If I was to buy the plugin and I couldn’t get it to work with my current setup/plugins due to incompatibility issues and I contacted support and you were unable to resolve the issue, would that mean I could get a refund?

If so, I would happily delete this review and the other thread and buy the plugin as all I am looking for is some reassurance that after spending the money I wasn’t stuck if it had an issue with our setup/plugins.

Plugin Author says:

Why cannot you check the compatibility prior purchase? I have cleared that we stand with our updated versions. If something is not tested yet so please bring it to to our attention and test with our support team instead of making it a matter of purchase and refund. Isn’t it simple?

My request is to keep your expectations list aside and concentrate on what we are claiming in features list. There can be a list of incompatible plugins, and we cannot claim compatibility with all of them unless we give it a try. I would second Freddie, do not proceed towards purchase but schedule a testing session with us. You should realize that we are more interested in success results instead of sales volume. “Exploitive” was an inappropriate word for open-source volunteers. Please acknowledge our efforts because we are putting our best to ensure quality work. We are responsive and take responsibility as well.

Kindly do not remove the support thread and this one star review, it would be helpful for upcoming users to understand the same kind of issues. Sometimes people are more interested in reading one star review so this topic is important for us.

Naresh11381 says:

$275 is more expensive than 99% of plugins out there, I get it’s lifetime-unlimited but because you don’t offer a yearly, monthly or one site subscription and have a very strict refund policy with no mention of you fixing incompatibilities, it does come across as exploitive. It’s not a personal attack on you or your team or the free version of the plugin, it’s a comment on how you are handling the premium version. You might think it’s a complaining attitude or rude, it was meant as constructive feedback to an issue I was experiencing.

How can I check the compatibility of premium features without buying and installing the plugin? I don’t know how you screen sharing your setup helps me know it will work with my setup?

This whole thing is confusing. Please just answer one question so this can finish.

If I buy the plugin and a feature is not compatible with my current plugins and you guys cannot fix it, would that mean you would consider a refund?

Plugin Author says:

Let me help you to understand and finish this conversation here. Neither you are a FREE version user nor a PREMIUM user. This review is irrelevant and your support thread was not a bug report but an inquiry which lead you towards reaction because of your hidden expectations.

  1. You feel it expensive, please develop a module for your need instead of questioning about high price.
  2. Strict refund policy is for those users which exploit the digital platforms with baseless arguments.
  3. Doesn’t matter if you are being rude or complaining, please contact us through our website for the premium version inquiries. The platform you are using to talk about premium is actually for basic version users.
  4. Your feedback is not about the plugin or it’s versions. It is about your expectations about price and refund policy. You are misusing the support forum and review page to express your opinions. Neither you need basic version nor you are a premium user, your review is irrelevant if it’s not about features or user experience.
  5. Nothing is confusing, you are just shouting about price and not willing for a test session. Since beginning, you are hitting the refund policy and targeting the price. You have no idea about the depth of this plugin and features list.
  6. Why would you bring an unexpected compatibility issue after purchase? Why don’t you simply inquire that compatibility prior purchase. Simply check it with us if plugin is not compatible, simply bypass it. Why are you spending that much time to insist on low price and refund repetitively?

Support Teammate says:

@naresh11381 your initial query was about in-stock/out-stock splittng method. You did not talk about any plugin compatibility. This plugin is compatible with WooCommerce and it will work for in-stock/out-stock splitting.

You can test it with me, contact link mentioned above.

If you are not available for test session please check the following links which will help you.

Video Tutorial

Ultimate Order Combination – Testing Cases


Ultimate Order Combination – Testing Cases

Case 1: (Advanced Version)

Start from beginning 0 orders in Db

Reports are at 0;

Order #441 product 1 Stock before combination 200
Order #442 product 2 Stock before combination 200

Total Orders in list  before combination 24 after combination 25

Report total sale 2278.07

Report net Sale  2068.44

Report Orders 24

Report Item Sold 48

Step 1

. After Combining selecting Remove Original Orders “none”


Total Orders in list 60

Product 1 stock 200, Product 2 stock 200

Report total sale 2278.07
Report net Sale  2068.44
Report Orders 24
Report Item Sold 48

Step 2

 After Combining selecting Remove Original Orders “Move original orders to trash”

Total Orders in list 8 (One Order #705 Combined in step 1 and One Order #706 combined in step 2 and others are existing)

Product 1 stock 200, Product 2 stock 200

Report total sale 2278.07
Report net Sale  2068.44
Report Orders 24
Report Item Sold 48

Order 421 | 424 | 427 in trash,

Step 3

 Restore 421 | 424 | 427 from trash

Total Orders in list 8 (421, 424, 427, 425, 444, 446, 447, 706)

Product 1 stock 200 , Product 2 stock 200

Report total sale 2278.07
Report net Sale  2068.44
Report Orders 24
Report Item Sold 48

Trash is empty.

Step 4

 After Combining selecting Remove Original Orders “Delete original orders permanently”

Total Orders in list 8 (421, 424, 427, 425, 444, 446, 447, 706) as 421, 424, 427 are deleted permanently

Report total sale 1401.67
Report new Sale 1251.67
Report Orders 25
Report Item Sold 37
Report Orders 23

Report Item Sold 37

Packages Based Payments – Online Course Content Selling Tool



This plugin let you enable packages based payments for WooCommerce products (Your content). Select products to enable packages based payments. Go to product edit page and add packages for product under Online Course Settings tab.

Now link/restrict any post/page to the packages of this product. Users need to buy these packages to access this post/page. Packages will appear on product page.

If user does not buy an error message will appear on content. When user will buy a package then restriction will be removed and bought packages will be disabled automatically on product page.

Custom JavaScript



WP Datepicker is a simple tool to add date field in any page / post or form. It provides custom JavaScript to fulfill your requirements with weekdays. For example, you can enable one day of week only e.g. first Thursday, disable selected day like Sunday & Monday, disable months e.g. December & January, specific dates and disable specific dates with specific days together.

Custom JavaScript

Here are some customs codes:

  • Need to enable first Thursday Only?
function (date) { 
var day = date.getDay(); 
return [(day == 4) && date.getDate()<8];  
  • Need to disable Sunday & Monday?
function (date) { var day = date.getDay(); return [(day != 0 && day != 1)]; }
  • Need to disable the months July and December?
function (date) { 
var month = date.getMonth(); 
return [(month != 6) && (month != 12)]; 
  • Need to disable 25th December for specific years?
function (date) { 
var array = ["2020-12-25","2025-12-25","2030-12-25"]; 
var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", date); 
return [ array.indexOf(string) == -1 ]; 
  • Need to disable specific days and dates together?
function (date) {

var day = date.getDay();

var array = ["2020-07-04","2020-12-25"]; 

var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", date); 

var sunday = 0;

var monday = 1;

var tuesday = 2;

return [(day != sunday && day != monday && day != tuesday && array.indexOf(string) == -1)];


Category Based Discount – Discounts Manager for Products



Discounts Manager for Products An amazing WooCommerce extension to implement multiple discount criteria with ultimate convenience. There are many options to define discount criteria. One of useful features is Category Based Discount.

You can define discount for each category separately. Go to “Category Based Criteria” tab to define discount. You can restrict number of criteria, for example you want to define only 5 criteria for categories, add number 5 to input field.

Select category first and then define discount. Select another category and define discount for that category and so on. Hit “Save Changes” to apply your settings.

Category Based Criteria

Upload Files to Amazon Directory – Easy Upload Files During Checkout



Easy Upload Files During Checkout is a WordPress plugin that allow customer to upload required/related files with order. Browse button to upload files can be displayed on Product Page (Premium), Cart Page, Checkout Page > After Notes, Checkout Page > Top of the Page (Beta), Thank You Page and Customer Order View Page (Beta).

There are some other options to specify files to be uploaded e.g. allowed file types, maximum upload size, upload directory and make upload field required etc.

One of Beta features is uploading files in a separate folder and you can save files to Amazon Directory for backup.

Setup Amazon Account

Amazon S3

However this is a beta feature. This feature might will evolve in upcoming versions. The plugin creates and sync folders/buckets in Amazon directory automatically.

Remy Medranda

Saturday, january 11th
hey is there anyone on here who’s a mod on  who can help me with a pretty serious issue i’m having with a developer and my now reduced access as a result of this
I just want to share my story and screenshots if anyone is able to help I would be so grateful. I had an account with 10 years on  and somehow this developer either got some friend or someone he knows to get me booted unfairly off the platform.  The developer stole our private paid plugin and is now reselling it on his website as his. I have screenshots to back up that he was never given permission to do this.
he agreed to this and then later went totally insane, off the boat, and has done everything you’d never want to have a developer do when hiring them. If he was in America I’d make sure to sue him for the damage he’s done.
You’d need to tell me your username for me to look at your account, but what people do outside of , we don’t really care about (as in, we won’t act on your account in any way for what is done elsewhere, with some exceptions relating to personal safety) (edited)
@Remy Medranda ^^ what he said. Provide the info and it’ll be handled.
whats really messed up is I’ve been a good role model contributor for over 10 years… and the 1 time I hire this developer and he essentially has what appears to be either money   issues or some bipolar mood swing… he somehow got some mod to get me booted
I see you were informed on January 5th about your account status, and you escalated it beyond that on your own accord.
how is what I did escalation ?
You chose to single out an individual one other social media platforms because you disagreed with the decision taken, that’s not cool.
You attempted to contact the various moderators on other forums, like Facebook and Twitter. That’s not okay.
the community should know how this developer behaved and more so that he’s selling a plugin which I paid him to develop for a private reason and he agreed to not resell it on his site or on wordpress
well i think this is not cool
guy  sends me message that he wills end me video demo and I never even got it
Whatever dispute you have with the developer is a case between yo uand them and your legal counsel, and not a personal vendett arena for WordPress to be a part of :slightly_smiling_face:
got it, but why then would wordpress ban someone who’s been a contributor for 10  years and has never caused a problem  once?
When you single out people and attempt to contact directly, that’s a problem. We deal entirely with volunteers here. Taking it elsewhere and to their personal accounts is what the issue is.
I was cordial with all moderators
never disrespectful
We don’t need all these screenshots, we will not be acting on your personal dispute.
i am extremely aware that everyones is a volunteer
and I would not want to post lies and what was said by that mod, was that I never used the plugin
i’ve been using the plugins for  over a year
 I didn’t pay for this plugin. It was another plugin developed by this developer.
Your review was specifically about a plugin you paid for. (yes, we have everything from the review still)
I have  even provided several very important functions to the developers plugin that he currently offers as Wp Order Splitter
@clorith I deserve  my  account  privileges reinstated,  I have  not violated any terms of service.
You were also informed that you should not persist with the issue at hand, and that if you did, your account would be blocked. After that warning, you took it directly to a moderator over social media instead. Basically you ignored the warnings given.
the moderator  was incorrect
I had reached out to  speak to her privately because i had no other way
she has public accounts
if she doesn’t want to be publicly known on the internet
As for not violating anything, the support guidelines (which are linked to above each new topic written in the forums) specifically state not to contact anyone directly outside of, they’re not terms of service, they are community guideliens for good behavior, and is a private site, and an account can be blocked for any reason, no need for terms of service there :slightly_smiling_face:
The message you received specifically stated if you wished ot discuss the matter, to come in here.
Well I would have not inclined to violate the terms or guidelines
You are making up excuses, and that’s not cool :slightly_smiling_face:
my only intentions were to reach out and clarify  my end of story
as the comments she made were untrue
We have email addresses for discussing these issues, like and others. You never contact a mod directly on their personal accounts.
I have Never seen this
if i had known
trust me 1st avenue I would have taken
and in future if granted my priveledge back I will use it
I will never post my gripes with a dev in  reviews section
and i will never contact a moderator on social media (although why they would have public accounts and somehow expect privacy with their actual real names shown  on the forum is puzzling)
If you have a specific issue with mod behavior, then you contact me. I’m I will discuss any such issues with you, but in this case, yeah, you kinda went slightly over the top. Never take things this far over such trivial issues. Feel free to email me about it and I’ll take a deep dive into the problem, and discuss it with you. (edited)
but again I  am asking that whomever has the authority to do  so to please grant me back my privileges as  I’ve sincerely not tried to make this an issue btwen my and  another developer
@Otto thank you. And I will share my story with screenshots in a private email with you. Thank you.
i  swear on my grandfathers  grave  the last  thing I would ever want to do is loose this priviledge to be a part of this community that I have been with since 2010. I love WP and want to make sure anyone who’s working with developers especially in situations where devs are overseas are not taken advantage of like I have been and was shocked to see basically allowed to continue through my banning and the developer then promoting MY plugin for sale on his support comments as of this week.
Probably don’t need screenshots. We have all the history available, so I can find and see everything necessary
Well at least i want you to see what led to this… me posting the review
i would never just post a review like that, i have no time for that stuff
I understand. Just send me an email detailing the issue, and I’ll look into it.
thanks @Otto
Monday, January 13th
@Otto reaching out
did you receive my messages?
This is so not the place for you to have this conversation. It’s Monday. The email system works. Be patient. (edited)
@jan_dembowski should i send him email at or should i send via slack, sorry not used to how you guys do things here as of recent
.org, not .com  (for the record)
If you have a specific issue with mod behavior, then you contact me. I’m I will discuss any such issues with you, but in this case, yeah, you kinda went slightly over the top. Never take things this far over such trivial issues. Feel free to email me about it and I’ll take a deep dive into the problem, and discuss it with you.
.org not .com
See the conversation link I just provided.
thanks! Also where would I find information to report a developer?
. . .
. . .
If it’s a plugin and depending on what that is for, works.
would it be a violation of a developer to offer a plugin developed for a specific company on if he originally said it wouldn’t be on there?
like violation of some terms of agreement
Best taken up with the plugins team, not here.
I have this developer I worked with recently who recently broke that trust @wp.mechanic
and there you go calling them out… sigh
do they have their on slack channel?
why would it not be ok to call someone out who is doing the community harm?
email the plugins team at the address Jan gave you
do you want to protect someone like that?
no, you don’t get to play that game
i did, just wondering where I can speak to someone with regards to it on slack
I’m not playing no games @sterndata
sure you are. Please use email to continue your issues with the correct parties.
not this semi-public channel.
@sterndata i have no time for games…
this 100% about business
@Remy Medranda SERIOUSLY, This is not the place for you to have this conversation.
Stop it. You’re going to far. Use that email and take that conversation there.
when i view the description for this channel
it has a link
i click it and it shows me this
Welcome to the official blog for the WordPress Support team.
Need help with a WordPress issue? You can find help with your WordPress problem by posting in the support forums or asking on the #wordpress IRC channel.
You have been told what to do.
you asked, you got the correct answers.
I am on #forums  now right? do I need to also add #wordpress ?
Honest question: what part of this was unclear?
@Remy Medranda SERIOUSLY, This is not the place for you to have this conversation.
Stop it. You’re going to far. Use that email and take that conversation there.
I disagree. I feel your customer service is lacking
You’re being very rude
If you can’t handle being a mode politely why be one?
You’re wrong. You’re not a customer. You never were. We’re not customer support people. Never have been. You, like us, are volunteers.
so then be polite
I was.
Im not being rude to you
no you haven’t
Yes, you are.
share 1 example
Read the whole exchange.
I can share several where you are blantenly rude to me
You reread
of for ***’s sake. Asked and answered, your honor!
See again
you can’t respond like that
that’s incredibly rude
You’re all being rude to each other, if that helps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
going back to handling the pending queue
thanks for confirming that outside opinion even sees you we’re being rude
I’ll wait from response from plugin team.. thanks for not being helpful today mods
Right. OK then. Anything else? You’re publicly attacking a plugin author. You’ve posted screen shots of conversations, you’re perseverating about this and have been repeatedly asked to stop. You’ve been given (several times) a way to handle this. (edited)
Anyone else want to opine on this? The patience of anyone has limits and that includes moderators.
my patience dealing with this matter is getting thin as well
you guys are letting someone do something illegal
and letting him get away with it
and even protecting him
that’s flat out wrong
@Remy Medranda You have been asked multiple times to not have this conversation in the #forums channel. Please stop, or I will need to take action to remove you from the Slack.
@Otto got it. Message has been sent. Waiting on responses from you and your team.
Oh, for Pete’s sake! These are open forums not a store, not a business, not a good place to air dirty laundry. We have channels and means for all of that.
exactly @JNash
what channels?
thats what I’m asking here before but gettin rude responses
If you have problems with a plugin author, then you email the plugins team. You have been told this already. There is no channel on Slack or any other means of communication that is appropriate for this discussion.
So this was an error? there is no channel?
Oh, for Pete’s sake! These are open forums not a store, not a business, not a good place to air dirty laundry. We have channels and means for all of that.
Channels as in, the appropriate mechanisms to pursue your communications. Don’t attack me!
how were you attacked?
Channels as in, the appropriate mechanisms to pursue your communications. Don’t attack me!
You are misunderstanding the nature of the word “channel”. It is not appropriate in any Slack channel.
This is the last warning, please stop this discussion now.
@JNash said “We have channels and means for all of that.” so I understood it as it was said.
I’ll wait for response from plugin team
a channel for this would be nice though
would help future people having same issues
Yes, that would be appropriate. And no, there is no channel to discuss such matters on Slack, as that is not the purpose of this Slack.
dumb question maybe… but is Slack part of WordPress?
No, Slack is a separate company.
@Otto you dive?
@Otto you like corals?
meantime, there’s  topic on fantasy golf.  FANTASY GOLF??????_
@Remy Medranda This is not really a good channel for this discussion. I’ll reply to your email later, after breakfast or something
@Otto ok. if you’re into corals or the ocean… check us out..
I’ve built like 50 sites this year alone on WP to sell corals :wink: Maybe next year @sterndata some golf related site would be cool…
Golf. Coral. COFFEE. Is good. :coffee::smiling_imp:
I can’t agree more. I would just maybe put coffee first… and since i can’t golf, maybe golf last.. although some of the best times I can remember as a teen… were with friends at the Golf Range….
Saturday, January 25st

Beware WILL infect your WP site, Don’t install

Download Free:

Jan Dembowski


Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

@andrewmrobbins You are spamming. Don’t do that again as your account will be banned from these forums. Your account is now flagged for moderation as a result of your actions. I have archived your replies.

If this is unclear to you then contact the plugins team and they may explain it to you.

@adabob If you need support then please raise a support topic. This link will let you do that.

In a short time I will remove this review for that reason.